Step into the world of spiritual healing and discover the magic of our handmade jewelry, art, and products. At Crystal Healing Designz, LLC, we believe in the power of all-natural materials and positive energy to bring peace and clarity to your life. Let our products guide you on your spiritual journey of self-exploration and growth.

About Our Business
Crystal Healing Designz, LLC offers an array of metaphysical spiritual, and cultural jewelry, art, and products to inspire and naturally heal the emotional, mental, and spiritual body these products include Hand made and hand-crafted copper crystal healing stone pendants, rings, bracelets, earrings, sage, Palo Santo, resin incense, smudge kits & bundles, herbal salt bath, herbal teas, orgonites, ritual & spell candles, ankhs and so much more. We also have intuitive consulting, numerology readings, and guided mediation services. Intuition gives us insight into navigating our life, profession, business and heart desires. Mediation is a time to stop, come back to ourselves, and reconnect with who we are. Intuitive Mediation includes ways to quiet the body and the mind so your soul can speak, techniques to help in opening the mind's eye aka 3rd eye, clearing negative energy bringing in positive energy, and creating peace to focus on what you want in your life. Numerology tells us what path in life we will take how we will express our personality on this path and what our talents/gifts will be along the way, as well as what our soul and heart desire. Book your appointment today!
1 hr
150 US dollars1 hr
44 US dollars30 min
33 US dollars